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If you work for a company today, if you are a hiring manager, supervisor, community advocate, or are a leader in your company, do you find there’s a skills gap? Do you want to connect the dots between education, employment, and economic development?

*If you are a parent, a grandparent, or need to interact with emerging leaders or up and coming job seekers during the next five to 10 years, do you find it hard to understand their perspective? Do you want to improve the way you connect with the younger generations?


WHAT: City of Mesa’s Next Level Workforce Development Forum

WHEN: June 20, 3:30 – 6:30 PM (see attached invitation). 263 North Center Street Mesa, AZ 85201 – Program 4-5:30pm

WHERE: Downtown Mesa Convention Center

WHY: Learn how to take meaningful action in your company, with employees, new recruits, and your recruitment efforts to improve outcomes for your business.

WHO: The event is designed to unite educators, employers, and economic developers across the East Valley. Our keynote speaker, Mark Perna, has extensive experience working with various organizations nationwide, including school districts, community college districts, school board associations, regional economic development organizations, and chambers of commerce about workforce development and the changing dynamic of education. His presentation will inspire, educate, and promote understanding about how to engage the Y Generation and other generations to ensure a stronger economic future for our communities.

Here’s a cool preview:

Networking reception (complimentary food and hosted bar) follows Mark’s address for industry and business partners in the City of Mesa to connect with educators, administrators, and workforce development professionals.

Reserve your seat today: Seating is limited and we would love to have more people from your company attend so please share this with your delegates.

Thank you for caring about the future of Mesa, Arizona!

Invitation By: City of Mesa Office of Economic Development

Event Flyer