Message from the Mesa Chamber of Commerce Good Government Committee
A message from the Mesa Chamber of Commerce Good Government Committee:
During election cycles, the Mesa Chamber of Commerce is proud to endorse those candidates at many levels of government who support the Chamber’s mission of Promote, Protect, and Advocate for Mesa businesses. The Mesa Chamber has been proud, therefore, to endorse Mesa City Councilmember Julie Spilsbury twice because her position has aligned with that mission.
Councilmember Spilsbury is currently facing the prospect of a recall petition and election. This effort is not supported by the Mesa Chamber or the business community at-large. Throughout her tenure, Councilmember Spilsbury has displayed professional conduct and voted time and time again with the Mesa business community on issues before the Mesa City Council.
Recall is not something to be taken lightly. The only basis for a recall should be professional malfeasance or misconduct while in office. Neither has yet to be identified by any of the Spilsbury recall petitioners. Councilmember Spilsbury deserves thanks from and the support of the Mesa business community instead.
To be clear, the Mesa Chamber of Commerce does not support the recall of Julie Spilsbury and encourages the Mesa community to do the same.Â