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The Government Affairs Committee met on January 17 to welcome Mesa Fire and Medical Department Assistant Chief John Locklin.

The Assistant Chief spoke about fire prevention methods and provided recommendations to the committee to keep a safe and fire-free environment. Such included the removal of patio furniture, dead branches, dead bushes, and similar flammable objects.

Additionally, the Assistant Chief provided an overview of Mesa’s resources and fire prevention measures, assuring that Mesa is well-equipped and prepared for unexpected situations.

Assistant Chief Locklin also covered differences between Arizona and California, commenting on the terrain, available resources, and other differences.

The group also received an update from Dorn Policy Group, the Mesa Chamber’s Lobbyists. Amongst the discussion topics were the Governor’s Breakfast this past Tuesday, the release of the Governor’s budget, and information on bills that have been introduced.

In addition to Dorn’s updates, the group also received a brief report from a staff representative from Congressman Stanton’s office.

Join the Government Affairs Committee for their next meeting on Friday, February 21. Register here.

About the Mesa Chamber Government Affairs Committee

The Mesa Government Affairs Network was created to focus on legislative practices and decisions affecting all professional establishments. This group helps local business owners stay up to date on relevant information occurring at every tier of government. When convened, experts from local, state, and federal levels of office speak on topics that pertain to all organizations. Topics have previously included taxation,  business regulation, education, economic development, transportation, and immigration.  

This collaborative opportunity allows for the exchange of internal practices and fresh perspectives, helping those in attendance remain aware of the local business climate. Ultimately, the decisions of Arizona’s elected leaders impact all businesses and in turn, the Mesa Government Affairs committee welcomes all who are interested in remaining informed of the changes being made within the community.