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This Fall 2024 semester, Mesa Community College Career Services department will be hosting Working Wednesdays job fairs where employers can engage with students and community members. These events will be held at the Mesa Community College Southern and Dobson Campus the first Wednesday of every month starting September 4th to December 4th, 2024, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Employers must meet our employer expectations posted on our website ( to be eligible to participate.  
As an employer, you will be provided with one 8-foot table and two chairs.  We encourage you to bring promotional items that brand your company name (ex: table covers, canopy, swag, etc.) so those participating in the event can recognize and interact with your recruitment team.  We would recommend that you bring recruitment information to hand out to students and community members so they can follow up with you regarding job opportunities you have available.
The Working Wednesday recruitment opportunities are categorized into two engagement events for participation.  Each event has a set amount of employers allowed. Completion of the Working Wednesday Interest Form does not guarantee your space at the event.

1.   All Campus We Care and Working Wednesday Job Fair – ($25 Participation Fee Per Event) Campus-wide recruitment tabling opportunities for employers with part-time and full-time jobs. We will promote your current/upcoming positions to students and the community. This job fair will align with other campus events to increase student participation.  These events will be held the first Wednesdays of every month from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm on the following dates below.
*Maximum of 20 employers allowed per date.September 4, 2024 (Located in the Navajo Room – In collaboration with Center for Community and Civic Engagement & Care Team)October 2, 2024 (Located outside by the Clock Tower – In collaboration with Care Team)November 6, 2024 (Located outside by the Clock Tower – In collaboration with Care Team)December 4, 2024 (Located in the Navajo Room – In collaboration with Care Team)

2.  Career Services & ASMCC Career and Resource Fair – ($100 Participation Fee)

** 50% of which will go to the ASMCC scholarship fund) Career Services & Associate Students of Mesa Community College will be hosting a Career & Resources Fair for the students of MCC to learn about potential part-time/full-time employment and programs available to them to gain experience in a variety of work-based learning opportunities. This event will be from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm of the following Wednesday.*Maximum of 40 employers allowed.
October 30, 2024 (Located in the Navajo Room – In collaboration with Student Life and Leadership &  Associate Student of Mesa Community College, Student Government)

If you have any questions you can contact or call (480) 461-7592.