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The Healthcare Committee met for their July Meeting this month.

Among the group participants was John Bower, the Outreach Coordinator from the Office of Representative Greg Stanton, who introduced himself as a resource to the group. John plans to keep the group informed on future congressional updates and potential advocacy opportunities.

Additionally, the committee received a subcommittee update from the Dementia Friendly Task Force. Task Force members, Becky Friend and Phaedra Earhart, provided an update on the Dementia Friendly Business Designation. The Task Force is currently providing training for a variety of businesses, beyond those who directly serve those living with dementia. This includes hospitals, clinics, credit unions, law offices, cleaning, and other types of businesses. Becky informed the group of organizations they are currently working with. During this time, she also mentioned they are in the process of training what would be the first hospital to receive the Dementia Friendly Business Designation.

The process to become a Dementia Friendly Business is very easy. It requires the completion of a one-hour staff training, as well as the implementation and commitment to a Dementia Friendly Checklist. For more information on this designation, businesses can reach out to

Additionally, the committee discussed the possibility of adding a new subcommittee, possibly around mental health or outreach. Any interested existing or new committee members should reach out to committee staff liaison, Mayra at

Next month the City of Mesa will be presenting to the committee on Mesa Job Connect. Register for the following Healthcare Committee meeting here.