Mesa Veterans Program June 2022 Meeting Summary
Thank you to all who joined us for the Mesa Veteran’s Program Committee this past June 16.
The committee opened the meeting by identifying struggles each attendee have faced or have seen within our veteran community. An area of high attention and concern was in transitioning from the military into the workforce.
The committee also discussed plans to to expand their network of resources by reaching out to other area in the east valley outside of Mesa. Other resources include the availability of veteran programs or events such as the service dog training program, Jeep Run, and Veteran’s Parade.
Veterans attaining their veteran benefits was an additional area of focus identified by the group. Attendees agreed that they needed to seek new ways to make the process easier for all, regardless of their technological challenges, lack of communication of information, or similar barriers.
Join us for our next MVP Committee meeting on July 21st at 11am at Humana (SW corner of McKellips & Recker).